Output – Omnia Audio Omnia 8x User Manual
Page 32

Limiter Drive: Here is where the loudness versus
quality is most evident! This limiter’s adjustment
range is +/-3 dB, in 0.1dB steps. It is advisable to
make minor changes, primarily as the 'loudness fine
tuner'. Be careful; there is a lot of available power
Clicking on the Out “tab” button brings up the peak output level and lowpass filter settings.
Peak Output Level adjustment is done using the
single Gain control that adjusts both the Left &
Right channels together. The control range is from
–26dB to +6dB of gain. This level is normally set
to the maximum input level, or just below it, of the
device that the Omnia 8x output is connected to.
Output Filter: For webcasting applications,
especially at lower bitrates, it is sometimes
desirable to reduce the audio bandwidth. A pull-
down menu provides eight different filter response
curves that can reduce the spectrum down to 4kHz.