10 common wireshark filters, Common wireshark filters – Obvius BACnet User Manual
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BACnet Server for AcquiSuite
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10 Common Wireshark Filters
WireShark is a freely-available Ethernet packet capture and network monitoring tool. It is frequently used
for debugging BACnet/IP networks. It is available from <
The following table lists several WireShark filter expressions which are useful for BACnet debugging.
WireShark Filter
What It Matches
udp.port == 47808
All BACnet packets on standard port
udp.port == 47808 or udp.port == 47809
BACnet packets on port 47808 or 47809
udp.port == 47808 and not ip.addr ==
Exclude one "noisy" network node at
udp.port == 47808 and not
Exclude Confirmed Services (such as
ReadProperty and
WriteProperty). Useful for debugging
device and object discovery.
udp.port == 47808 and not
(bacapp.confirmed_service == 12 or
bacapp.confirmed_service == 14)
Exclude ReadProperty and
ReadPropertyMultiple. Useful for
debugging WriteProperty.
bacapp.confirmed_service == 15 and ip.addr
BACnet WriteProperty packets to/from
IP address
bacapp.type > 4
BACnet Errors (type=5), Rejects
(type=6) or Aborts (type=7)
BACnet Unconfirmed Service requests
(Who-Is, I-Am, Who-Has, I-Have, etc.)
bacapp.unconfirmed_service == 8 or
bacapp.unconfirmed_service == 0
BACnet Who-Is or I-Am packets (used
for device discovery)
bacapp.unconfirmed_service == 7 or
BACnet Who-Has or I-Have packets