Andling, Nsupported, Eters with the – Obvius BACnet User Manual

Page 25: Odbus, Ramework, Acquisuite modbus framework

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BACnet Server for AcquiSuite

Page 25 of 52


Note: BBMDs may also be used to join together two or more virtual BACnet networks which

use different UDP ports, e.g., 47808 and 47809.

Distribute broadcasts to: If BBMD mode = Full BBMD is selected, enter the list of IP addresses (and

optional UDP ports) of other BBMD services on your BACnet network.

This list should be identical among all BBMDs -- you may safely include the AcquiSuite's own IP address

in its list. You should have at most one BBMD per IP subnet. See

How Do I... Span Subnets with a


BACnet debug information: Level of detail displayed in the AcquiSuite's Debugging Messages.

Errors & Summary (default): Log only errors and summary info. Requires the AcquiSuite’s Debugging

Messages be enabled (via System


System Log Files).


Transitions: Also log "transitions" such as changes to System_Status and Reliability Properties.


Full Debug: Also log detailed debug info. This will slow the server significantly.


Full Debug (AREA): Debug logging for AREA only.

Note that Full Debug can significantly slow the BACnet server and should only be used until a

problem is resolved.

4.4 Handling Unsupported Meters with the Modbus Framework

If the AcquiSuite does not recognize a Modbus meter, use the AcquiSuite’s Modbus



feature to create a custom driver.

These so-called “Framework Drivers” will work with the BACnet Server.

See: “

AcquiSuite Modbus Framework

”, available from
