23 ancillary packet transport, 1 time code, 2 closed caption – Nevion UDC-3G-XMUX4+ User Manual

Page 42: 3 smpte 2010/scte 104

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Rev. C | 42

When in SD mode, a 24 bit audio signal can be converted to 20 bit. This means that the 4
least significant bits are removed. The audio control package is left unchanged as the bit
range is still present. This setting is controlled from Multicon GYDA.

In SD mode the entire audio control package can also be switched on and off via Multicon

3.23 Ancillary packet transport

Several types of ancillary packets must be de-embedded before the format and standard
converter block and re-embedded in the selected output format. The transport of all
supported packages is enabled by default, but for each package type the user can force the
transport off by selecting the Disable option.

Figure 33: Multicon GYDA view of the ANC transport control

3.23.1 Time Code

Time Codes in the Ancillary space is transferred for any video standard or format conversion.

ANC-LTC, ANC-VITC and D-VITC are supported. When no LTC or VITC is detected in
Ancillary Space of incoming stream, any detected D-VITC will be embedded in ANC-VITC.

For incoming 486i29 stream where drop frame compensation is enabled in the time code,
this compensation is maintained in outgoing stream. Time Code transfer can be disabled in
Multicon GYDA.

3.23.2 Closed Caption

All closed caption data transfer is automatic. CEA-708 Caption Distribution Package (CDP)
and CEA-608 (Line21 Closed Caption) is detected on incoming stream and transferred to
CDP and/or CEA-608 data on outgoing stream.

Transfer of CDP is supported between all 29/30/59/60 Hz format conversions when detected
on incoming stream.

Where no CDP is detected in incoming stream, any detected Line 21 data will be embedded
in a CEA-708 package.

When converting to 486i29, Line 21 data will be generated if CDP or Line 21 data is detected
on incoming stream. Incoming CDP will have priority over incoming CEA-608 data.

Only vertical ancillary data packages containing CDP will be transferred. Closed Caption
transfer can be disabled in Multicon GYDA.

3.23.3 SMPTE 2010/SCTE 104

UDC-3G-XMUX4 will transport SCTE 104 Messages in VANC for all possible conversions
and place these ANC packets in VANC on first available line from line 9 in HD/3G, from line 8
in 625i25, and from line 12 in 525i29.

This transfer is automatic depending on input detection and can be disabled in Multicon