NDrive 10 for phones User Manual
Page 58
Tip: What is the best way to add Itinerary Points?
We highly recommend adding points to your itinerary using this method. If you add waypoints via
the “+” or “Above” and “Below” options available in the pop-up menu then the waypoints will be
called by their proper names (e.g.. House of Parliament as opposed to unknown street).
To add waypoints via the map interface, exit the Manage My Itineraries menu and return to the
map screen. Tap
on the desired location. Two new icons will appear at the bottom of the
screen. Tap the flag icon to add the point to an itinerary
The itineraries menu will open. Select the itinerary to add it to. It will be added as the last
waypoint. You can add points quickly via hotkeys on the map interface but the resulting waypoint
will display the closest street or coordinates and not the name of the waypoint. Hence, the other
method is recommended.
Deleting an Itinerary
Deleting an Itinerary is quite simple. Just select the itinerary and choose “Delete” from the pop-up menu.
Confirm and the itinerary will be erased.