Searching by postcode, Searching by coordinates – NDrive 10 for phones User Manual
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Searching by Postcode
All streets belong to a specific postcode. You can use the postcode to find a given street. Sometimes it
is faster, more practical and precise to use postcodes instead of city or location. After entering the
postcode, NDrive will display the list of streets within that postcode.
Searching by Post Code
Important: What if one street spans more than one postcode?
In this particular situation NDrive will only display the segment that belongs to the postcode
nearest to you.
Searching by Coordinates
Coordinates are a great way to search for a location or destination. If you know the coordinates of the
location to be searched, you can input them directly.
Coordinates can be input in any of the three most used formats. The format will adjust automatically to
your input as long as it is one of the three recognised formats, or you can preset in the Settings menu.