Montigo Flush Face (DF) User Manual
Page 6

Page 6
Please consult the instruction guide that arrived with your flush face Direct Vent fireplace.
If you did not receive a guide in the packaging of your new Montigo fireplace, see;
Current Montigo Direct Vent fireplaces:
Discontinued Montigo Direct Vent fireplaces:
FaCing a montigo FluSh FaCE FirEPlaCE:
The flush face Direct vent gas fireplace is intended to be covered with common building
materials. As described in the supplied Installation Manual, these materials must be non-com-
bustible when placed close to the fireplace opening.
The Montigo flush face Direct vent fireplace can be sheathed in one of three styles; High,
Standard, Overlay. Your choice of style is important because it affects the finished look of
your fireplace and the wall in which it is placed.
High style
Nailing Flange
Montigo flush face
Wall Sheathing Detail
(Exploded Side View - Not to Scale)
Figure 1