2) install hardware – Measurement Computing Personal Daq rev.6.0 Quick Start User Manual
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Personal Daq Quick Start
6.0 3
(2) Install Hardware
Your Personal Daq system may not require all the steps under this heading; for example you may not be
connecting a PDQ expansion module. If a step does not apply to your unit, simply go on to the next one.
Note 1 Note 2
Note 1: Label slots are included on Personal Daq/55 and /56.
Label slots are not included on Personal Daq/54.
Note 2: An expansion module (PDQ1 or PDQ2) can be added to Personal Daq/55 and /56 units.
Although an expansion module can physically connect to a Personal Daq/54, it will not
function with the unit. Personal Daq/54 does not include expansion functionality. For
Personal Daq/54 the 25-pin port is used only for calibration.
Reference Notes:
If you plan to mount your Personal Daq system to a DIN rail, refer to the PDQ10, DIN
Rail Kit Installation Guide (p/n 491-0903). Note that the DIN rail instruction is also
provided in your Personal Daq User’s Manual, included in Acrobat .pdf format on your
installation CD.
If you are expanding your Personal Daq system with an optional PDQ expansion
module, refer to the PDQ1 and PDQ2 Installation Sheet (p/n 491-0902). Expansion
module information is also provided in your Personal Daq User’s Manual, included in
Acrobat .pdf format on your installation CD.