MacroSystem Photo-Studio User Manual

Page 25

background image



If you have accidentally positioned the wrong
picture, you can make corrections using the
Replace” or “Remove” buttons familiar from
the Storyboard.

Then click “Create” and deactivate the “Create
scene for each image
” function. Then exit the
Photo-Studio” program.

You will see that the slide show you have just
produced is in the scene bin of the “Edit” menu
window and can be played like a normal scene.

Tip: In order to produce a more complex slide
show, re-open the “Gallery” menu window in
the “Photo-Studio” program. You will see that
your board is still laid out the same way.

Click “Create” again, but this time activate the
function for generating a scene for each picture.
After exiting the program and identifying the
individual scenes in the scene bin, add them
to the Storyboard and go to the “Transitions
menu window.

Here you can add and process dissolves as
required so that each individual photo in your
slide show then has an appropriate transition.

Allow the transitional effects to be processed,
then play the storyboard in the “Edit” menu

You can now concentrate on adding sound to
round off your slide show.