MacroSystem Photo-Studio User Manual

Page 20

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retouching. Pre-defined square brushes are
located on the upper row and round brushes
in the lower row. Select the desired brush
by clicking the appropriate box and specify
its appearance with the attributes “Blur
and “Size”. The right-hand side provides a
Preview” of the settings made. We recommend
that you first select a medium-sized, round
When you have created a brush, confirm your
selection by clicking on “Ok”. You can then
specify whether your copying brush is to be
relative” (i.e. the selected source area to be
copied remains at a constant distance from
the target area to be retouched) or “absolute
(the source area to be copied is stationary).
Assuming that the flaw is on the sky (see
illustration), you can simply use the same brush,
as the sky is big enough to allow it to be moved
to and fro. However, if the flaw is in part of a
tree, you should select the absolute brush, as
even a small movement will leave the surface
area of the tree and could accidentally copy the
area alongside on to the tree.

When you have selected a function and clicked
on the appropriate button, you will see a green
stamp symbol. Move the trackball until the
stamp is over the area to be copied and confirm
this selection by clicking the left-hand trackball
button. After the stamp symbol has disappeared,
move the ball until the stamp symbol, now red,
is over the area to be retouched (the flaw). When
you have reached the desired position, click the
left-hand trackball button and move the trackball
to and fro to copy the selected area. Clicking the
left-hand trackball button will stop the copying
process. You can now select another point to be
retouched and start copying. Then retrieve the
button bar by clicking the right -hand trackball
button. The retouching which you have carried
out will be stored in the picture by clicking the
Save image” option.

Then click “Exit” to exit from the menu.
Of course, you can also use the Retouch function
to change pictures. For example, you can
duplicate a person and insert them elsewhere
in the picture. Alternatively, you can simply
“delete” the grey clouds from the sky. With
a little practice you will achieve astonishing
results in no time.

6.3 Collage

This example shows you how to produce a
collage of your photos, which you can then
process for a slide show.
You must already have several photos loaded
into the system.
Run “Photo-Studio” and click “Collage” in the
main menu window.
A window will open in which you will see a
button bar and a white box, which will form a
frame for your collage.
First click the “Settings” button and, when the
window opens, select the “Snap to grid” option.
The “Grid distance” should be 5.0 mm.