MacroSystem Columbus User Manual
Page 23

the “Split at key points” function is activated in
the “Special” window.)
You can then use a transition effect at this point
(see example exercise 5.5).
Store the results if necessary and then make the
system carry out the calculations.
5.4 Labeling the points
This example deals with creating text using the
Use a map of the continent and create a new
route or load one that you have already saved
from the “Archives”.
You will now assign a text to one of the points
on this map. A text can only be assigned to a key
point, since waypoints only serve to trace out
the route. Now select a key point that you want
to label, e.g. the first point on the route – the
starting point. Here we want to label the point
with the city name or, if this is already present
on the map, we shall label it instead with the
time at which our journey began.
First of all, activate the point so that it turns
green. Next, click on the symbol for the “Text”
menu that has now become activated.
You will see three settings options in this menu.
First, click on the “Text” field so that the familiar
Casablanca keyboard appears with which you
can then enter the text. (Alternatively, you can
also enter the text using an external keyboard.)
After you confirm what you have entered, your
text will appear positioned next to the point.
If the text overlaps the route or goes outside the
visible screen area, you can change the length
of the text using the “Position“ and “Distance“
Now proceed in the same way and activate the
finishing point of the route and enter the text
that you want (e.g. the city name or the arrival
If you want to change the type and size of the
text, you must make the changes globally for
all the texts on this map. This is carried out in
the “Global settings“ menu. To do so, open
the menu and set the upper selection button to
“Text attributes”.
This is where you can now change the font type,
size, font color, outline and outline color. (In
“Select font style/size”, you can select a font
type from your installed fonts and set the size of
the text.)