MacroSystem Bogart SE Ver.4 - 4.5c Release Notes User Manual
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-Most analog recording corrections for the S3000 and S6000 have now been completed. There
is one small analog recording item to be aware of. Audio recordings made from analog inputs
could have minor distortion or crackles to them, especially if the audio levels are too low. Try
to raise the volume level of the source footage if you can detect this. Overall, we recommend
using an AV/DV convertor to go in DV or us a USB Microphone (see dealer for approved
models) if you plan to do a lot of analog recordings with these models. Also, we are currently
testing a new device to go in via USB to allow for analog recordings as another future solution.
-Sometimes you may see a very brief distortion or tearing line or stutter in video playback in
very random spots. This should only be a display issue. This may be more common on
playbacks using the 1920x1080i display mode.
-There have been a couple of intermittent reports of soft crashes during imports with certain
USB camera models and format settings. This may happen more with multiple imported clips
at a time. Try importing in individual clips and see if that helps. We are looking into this.
-When recording in via DV on these systems, the video seen in the Recording menu will be a
just preview of the information. So it will not be the same as what you will see in the scene
bin. It might appear to be a lower quality and have a stutter while monitoring. The recorded
clip to the scene bin should be fine.
-Progressive mode use will not allow for Twixtor renders. They will crash.
-During HDV Recordings with firewire, the preview display will take a couple of seconds to
buffer in order to start displaying. Once the recording starts, be aware that just during this
preview process, it will not have audio with it.
-When using the standard titler in HD, on a single HDMI or DVI monitor, the title preview menu
is in a 4:3 display on the 16:9 monitors. It goes back to the normal correct size in a Full Size
-There is a known problem with direct firewire transfers communicating with other Casablanca
models and PC's. Also, using firewire to go out to DV tape and then use the DV tape to go to a
PC could have a problem. We've seen certain PC software programs have trouble detecting
audio from the tape for some reason. For now, you may wish to use the export options using
the “Opt” button in the Edit menu to export a clip as a format for uploading to websites;
export to Media Manager; use the Back Up Storyboard feature, or use Disk Transfer (in
standard definition mode) to move clips between the "S" model and other Casablancas or PC's.
-There are very few remaining Add On software programs left that aren’t modified and not
available for use on all of the Bogart SE models. Be sure not to activate any unmodified Add
On programs for these systems. For current updates to the Add On program status and other
information, please visit our website
-There may be some other more minor issues that have been reported or being worked on that
are not listed here.