Kanguru QSX User Manual

Page 9

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2.4 formatting Large Volumes (for BiG and raid0 modes)

When using your Kanguru QSX in either BIG or RAID0 (FAST) storage modes, they will initially

appear at half capacity. In order to utilize the full capacity, you will need to reformat your hard drives

so that they appear as one large volume.

2.4.1 formatting your hard drives using Windows

Right click on


my computer and then select manage from the drop down menu.



disk management from the left side window. The Disk Management console will appear

in the right side window.

In the bottom right side window, locate the disk named


Kanguru. It should contain two partitions,

one Healthy and one Unallocated.

Right click on the blue bar on the Healthy partition and select


delete Partition.

WarNiNG! Deleting a partition will also delete any data stored on that partition.

A confirmation window appears, warning you that all data in the partition will be deleted. Click


on Yes to continue.

The Disk will now appear as one large unallocated partition. Right click on the black bar in the


unallocated partition and select New Partition. The New Partition Wizard opens.

Follow the instructions in the New Partition Wizard to complete formatting your hard drives.


Your disk should now appear as one large drive.

Basic Operation