Ivoclar Vivadent Heliobond v.1 User Manual

Page 2

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materials on the enamel are removed in that way.
Then, rinse and dry.

Apply Total Etch on the enamel surfaces to be treated
and allow it to react. After that, carefully rinse with
water spray and dry the etched surfaces with an air
blower (use only water- and oil-free air).

The area of application must be kept dry, e.g. with
cotton rolls. For difficult working situations, we
recommend isolation with a rubber dam.

The etched and dried enamel surface must not be
contaminated prior to the application of Heliobond (if
the surface comes in contact with saliva or blood, the
etching and drying procedures must be repeated).


Dosage depends on the indication. When used as a
bonding agent (bonding liquid), a very thin layer of
Heliobond has to be applied. If necessary, use an air
blower to achieve an optimally thin layer.

When used as a transparent fissure sealant,
however, Heliobond must be applied in thicker

Method of application
1. Bonding agent for adhesive restorations

Etch desired enamel surfaces (see preparation of the
enamel). If necessary, cover exposed dentin surfaces
with Syntac


dentin bonding agent (see Instructions

for Use of Syntac).

Apply a thin layer of Heliobond with a brush, a
spherical instrument, or by means of the attachable
cannula on the etched enamel surface.

You can achieve an optimally thin layer with an air

If used in combination with light-curing composites,
Heliobond does not require separate polymerization.
When working on freely modelled restorations,
however, we recommend separate polymerization of
Heliobond for 10 s (bluephase



Application of the composite

Polymerization of the composite

Finishing of the restoration

2. Transparent sealant for fissures and pits

Etch desired enamel surfaces (see preparation of the

Apply Heliobond with a suitable instrument, a brush,
or by means of the attachable cannula into the
fissures. Avoid entrapment of air.

Polymerize with light for 20 s (bluephase



After curing, remove inhibited layer. Check
occlusion and grind off any excess material.

3. Preparation of resin repair works

Roughen the smooth resin surfaces.

If necessary, apply Monobond S (see Instructions for
Use of Monobond S).

Apply a thin layer of Heliobond (use an air blower, if

Polymerize with light for 10 s (bluephase




10 s polymerization time is sufficient for thin layers



Thicker layers (e.g. sealings) require 20 s curing time



The light probe should be held less than 5 mm above
the Heliobond surface, but it should not touch
unpolymerized material


Do not expose Heliobond to intensive light during
application, as this significantly shortens the working

If Heliobond is used as covering layer (e.g. as a
sealant), a thin layer of unpolymerized, sticky
material will remain on the surface after
polymerization, due to oxygen inhibition. We
recommend removing this layer with cotton rolls or


Close bottle immediately after use. Exposure to light
may lead to premature polymerization.

Storage: 2–28 °C / 36–82 °F

Heliobond-WE3-Gi.qxd 15.5.2006 14:50 Uhr Seite 2