Emc introduction, Installation and use, Assessment of area – Hypertherm Powermax30 Operator Manual User Manual
Page 5: Methods of reducing emissions

EMC Introduction
Hypertherm’s CE-marked equipment is built in
compliance with standard EN60974-10. The
equipment should be in stalled and used in
accordance with the information be low to
achieve elec tro mag net ic com pat i bil i ty.
The limits required by EN60974-10 may not
be adequate to com plete ly eliminate in ter fer -
ence when the affected equip ment is in close
proximity or has a high degree of sen si tivity.
In such cases it may be nec es sary to use other
mea sures to further re duce interference.
This cutting equipment is designed for use
only in an in dus tri al environment.
Installation and use
The user is responsible for installing and
using the plasma equipment according to the
manufacturer’s instructions. If elec tro mag net ic
disturbances are de tect ed then it shall be the
respon si bil i ty of the user to re solve the
situation with the technical as sis tance of the
man u fac tur er. In some cases this remedial
action may be as sim ple as earthing the
cutting circuit, see Earthing of Workpiece.
In other cas es it could involve constructing an
electromag net ic screen enclosing the pow er
source and the work complete with associated
input filters. In all cases elec tro mag net ic
disturbanc es must be reduced to the point
where they are no longer trou ble some.
Assessment of area
Before installing the equipment the user shall
make an assessment of po ten tial electro -
magnet ic problems in the sur round ing area.
The following shall be taken into account:
a. Other supply cables, control cables,
signalling and telephone ca bles; above,
below and adjacent to the cutting equipment.
b. Radio and television transmitters and
c. Computer and other control equip ment.
d. Safety critical equipment, for example
guarding of industrial equipment.
e. Health of the people around, for example the
use of pacemakers and hear ing aids.
f. Equipment used for calibration or
g. Immunity of other equipment in the
environment. User shall ensure that other
equipment being used in the environment is
com pat i ble. This may require ad di tion al
protection measures.
h. Time of day that cutting or other ac tiv i ties
are to be carried out.
The size of the sur round ing area to be con -
sidered will depend on the structure of the
building and other activities that are tak ing
place. The surrounding area may ex tend
beyond the bound aries of the pre mises.
Methods of reducing
Mains supply
Cutting equipment must be con nect ed to the
mains supply according to the man u fac tur er’s
recom men da tions. If in ter fer ence occurs, it may
be necessary to take addi tional precautions
such as fil ter ing of the mains supply.
Consideration should be given to shield ing the
supply cable of per ma nent ly installed cutting
equip ment, in metallic conduit or equiv a lent.
Shielding should be elec tri cal ly continuous
through out its length. The shielding should
be con nect ed to the cutting mains supply so
that good electrical contact is maintained
between the conduit and the cutting pow er
source enclosure.
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