2 files – Guralp Systems CMG-EDU User Manual

Page 24

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various streams automatically. Scream! will start recording all relevant

streams immediately, but will also remember the settings for the next
time it is started up.

Auto Record—Enable for Data Streams causes all local data streams to
be saved automatically, whilst Auto Record—Enable for Status
does the same for digitizer status streams (those ending in

Auto-upload on heartbeat : If a digitizer has been configured to record
data into its own Flash memory only (FILING mode), it transmits

heartbeat status messages. With this box checked, Scream! will listen
for heartbeat messages, and ask the digitizer to send filed data

whenever it receives one.

Auto-record uploaded streams : If you have selected Auto-upload on
, you can check this box to instruct Scream! to automatically

record to the local hard disk any data that it receives. These are not
normally counted with the streams above, since they may come from

another Scream! which is already recording.

The lower section tells Scream! how to use its hard disk space:

If Stop on Disk Full is selected, then Scream! will stop

recording data once it runs out of space in its directory. This
way, the data recorded will have a known starting point.

If you select Ring Buffer, then Scream! will start deleting the
oldest files in the data directory in order to make space for new

data, so that you will always have access to the most recent
recorded measurements. Scream! does not check whether it

created the files itself. If you put your own files in Scream!'s
data directory, then they are at risk of being deleted.

If Stream Buffer Only is selected, Scream! will delete any file
which no longer appears in the stream buffer. This is useful if

you are only recording to preserve data in the stream buffer
through restarts of Scream!.

If there is very little space on the disk, the PC's operating system can

become slow or unstable. By default, Scream! will consider the disk
“full” when only 50 Mb of space remains on it. You can change this

amount by altering the value at bottom right.



Another part of the Setup window allows you to alter the way Scream!


Issue A