Cutsom settings, Table 14: custom settings parameters – Grandstream Wave User Manual
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Grandstream Wave User Guide
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LDAP Lookup When Dialing
It is used to define whether to search LDAP when dialing. The default
setting is "Yes".
LDAP Lookup When
Incoming Call
It is used to define to search LDAP when there is an incoming call. The
default setting is "Yes".
Server Address
Fill in the LDAP server URL or IP address.
Fill in the LDAP server port. The default value is 389.
Base DN
Fill in the root directory of the LDAP server, it means under which
directory to search contact.
Username (Binding DN)
Fill in the username to access the LDAP server.
Fill in the password to access the LDAP server.
LADP Name Attributes
This setting specifies the "name" attributes of each record which are
returned in the LDAP search result. Example:
cn sn description
LADP Number Attributes
This setting specifies the "number" attributes of each record which are
returned in the LDAP search result. Example:
telephoneNumber Mobile
LDAP Name Filter
This setting configures the filter used for name lookups. Examples:
(|(cn=%)(sn=%)) returns all records which has the "cn" or "sn" field
containing with the entered filter value;
(!(sn=%)) returns all the records which do not have the "sn" field
containing with the entered filter value;
(&(cn=%) (telephoneNumber=*)) returns all the records with the "cn"
field containing with the entered filter value and "telephoneNumber"
field set.
LDAP Number Filter
This setting configures the filter used for number lookups. Examples:
(|(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%) returns all records which has the
"telephoneNumbe" or "Mobile" field containing with the entered filter
(&(telephoneNumber=%) (cn=*)) returns all the records with the
"telephoneNumber" field containing with the entered filter value and "cn"
field set.
This setting specifies the "Display Name" attributes. Up to 3 attributes
could be displayed.Examples:
%cn %sn %telephoneNumber
Max Hits (0-100)
The maximum contacts results return to the LDAP server. If set to "0",
The server will return all query results. The default setting is 100.
Search Timeout
Set the search requests much time no response, no longer to search.
The default setting is 100.
Connection Security Type
This setting configures LDAP connection security mode, users could
choose None or SSL.
Users could configure Color, Theme and Languages on Custom Settings screen.
Table 14: Custom Settings Parameters