Genee World Virtual G Pad User Manual

Page 6

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The slide Mapper is a simple way to map your slides
within PowerPoint ready for use with the VirtualG-Pad
software. Follow the steps below to map a
presentation slide:

1. Select the Slide Type.

2. Select the No. Of Choices if the slide Type is

Multiple Choice/Mark or Sequence. For other
slide types this option will not be available or
set by default in the case of Likert Scale.

3. Select Response Type – Option available for

Multiple Choice/Mark and Sequence. Select
Text to label choices with alpha characters and
Numeric to label choices as numbers. (Max 6
choices available i.e. A-F or 1-6).

4. Enter the correct answer

5. Highlight the question text from the

PowerPoint slide and click the Q+ button to
add the question. This will then appear on the
reports in ClassComm.

6. Options –This will be enabled for Multiple

Choice, Multiple Mark and Sequence slides.
Highlight the answer choices from the
PowerPoint slide and click the ADD button. To
confirm that the correct choices have been
set, click VIEW.

Repeat the above steps for all the question slides in
the presentation and SAVE the PowerPoint file.

Note: The following Slide Mapper features are not
required for Virtual G-Pad presentations – Text
answers, answer slide and chart object – They are for
the Genee World hardware response systems (Genee
Pads, IQ Pad and Pebble Pad) Contact

[email protected]

for further information.

7. Text Answer Options

8. Answer Slide