Genee World Virtual G Pad User Manual
Page 5

Step 2 – Mapping a PowerPoint Presentation using Slide Mapper
The process of mapping presentations associates each slide in your PowerPoint resource with one of
the following slide mapping options:
1. INFORMATION – Information slides have no question data associated with them. They are used
for informational purposes only.
2. TRUE/FALSE – Use for True or False type question slides.
3. YES/NO – Use for Yes or No type question slides.
4. MULTIPLE MARK – Use this option for multiple choice questions that have more than one
correct answer. With multiple mark slides, the answer options from the slide must be specified
so that they can be displayed within the student Virtual G-Pad correctly.
5. MULTIPLE CHOICE – Multiple choice slides can have the choices set as text or numeric with a
single correct answer. With multiple choice slides, the answer options from the slide must be
specified so that they can be displayed within the student Virtual G-Pad correctly.
6. SEQUENCE – Sequence slides are used when you have a slide that has a number of phrases,
words or numbers that need to be put into the correct order by participants.
7. NUMERIC – Numeric answer question slides.
8. TEXT - Text answer questions.
9. LIKERT SCALE – The Likert scale slide type is used when there is no right or wrong answer. They
can be used gather opinion/views on a subject and as a type of survey research tool. Choose the
default scale or create up to 5 custom likert scales. Also, a Text(essay) option is available for
opinion type questions.
10. E-Vote – Voting slide that accepts 3 responses only – YES, NO or ABSTAIN.