GAI-Tronics 10458-701 VoIP & VoIP WiFi Electronics Paging Modules User Manual

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Pub. 42004-464B

Model 10458-701 and 10458-801 VoIP & VoIP WiFi Electronic Paging Modules

Page 16 of 24

f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-464b.doc

In the Network Configuration page, enter the parameters WLCH, WSTO, WLK1, WLPP and WLSI.
Other settings need not be entered.

WLCH is the Wireless LAN Channel.

WSTO is the Wireless Security Type. The following are the choices:

Table 3. Wireless Security Type Choices

WSTO Setting

Wireless Security Type


1 WEP-64

2 WEP-128


4 WPA2

WLK1 is the WEP key. It is ten HEX characters for WEP-64 or 26 HEX characters for WEP-128.
If NONE, WPA or WPA2 are used, leave blank.

WLPP is the Wireless LAN WPA Passphrase. If NONE, WEP-64 or WEP-128 are used leave blank.

WLSI is the SSID of the Access Point you connect to. This entry is case sensitive.

After entering parameters, press “SUBMIT” button to save configuration. Now the VoIP PCBA can be
accessed through the wireless network for configuration.

This manual is related to the following products: