Initialization failed screen, Manual ip configuration – GAI-Tronics Sonic Alarm Sonic Alarm System Software Programming and User Manual User Manual

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Pub. 42004-410A

Sonic Alarm™ System Programming and User Manual

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Initialization Failed Screen

As the window states, there are three possible courses of action you can take, and all are briefly described
in the error window.

Retry - Pressing this button will attempt
the initialization sequence again using the
IP addresses found in the ipConfig.xml
document, which can be found in the
MapGUI.exe directory.

Manual IP Entry - Pressing this button
will cause the Manual IP Configuration
screen to be shown. It is explained in
further detail in the next section below.

Quit - Closes the application.

Figure 2. Initialization Failed

Manual IP Configuration

This screen allows for the user to manually enter in the IP address of the server and re-attempt the
connection to the server.

Figure 3. Manual IP Configuration

This screen is typically used the first time
the system is started up, or if the
ipConfig.xml has been inadvertently moved
or deleted.

Once the IP address is entered, press the
Connect button to re-attempt the