GAI-Tronics Sonic Alarm Sonic Alarm System Software Programming and User Manual User Manual

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Pub. 42004-410A

Sonic Alarm™ System Programming and User Manual

Page: 16 of 98

f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-410a.doc

Alarm Destination – Destination determines which RTUs will respond to the alarm event. Use the pull-
down list to select the destination.

Alarm Priority - Each alarm event is assigned a priority 1 (lowest) – 10 (highest). If two events are
activated at the same time, the event with the highest priority will take precedence, meaning the lower
priority event will be held in queue until the higher priority event ends. Select the priority using the pull-
down list.


The following screen is an example of three alarm events called “Evacuate,” “Gas Release,” and “Fire.

The events would typically be activated from RTU inputs or buttons on the MapGUI operator screen.
When active, each alarm event would be sent to the RTUs contained in the destination. A pre-recorded
message would play at each RTU and possibly activate RTU outputs. The alarm event will be
annunciated on the on the MapGUI Operator screen.