FSR ML-116 User Manual
Page 38

Telephone 973-785-4347
page 37
The user has the ability to review the settings of a wallplate in any room. The user will double click on
the room which causes the FMP to request the data from the ACU. The user will then be able to view
and hear (if remote audio monitor was ordered) the selections on the wallplate.
In order to control more than 16 rooms the ML-116 has the ability to create groups that overlap ACUs.
The ACU has a TieLine Bus which will, depending on switch settings, allow the unit to send to, or
receive output from a room not present on that unit. This feature is an option and available only on
systems with a FMP (Facility Managers Panel).
The user who wishes to combine multiple ML-116 Systems would have to assign the groups on each
ACU (Audio Control Unit). The user selects the room to be used as the source, then the room on the
other unit to be considered the destination. The output from the source will be sent via the TieLine to
the destination room. The FMP will send update messages to both ACUs and will automatically con-
figure the wallplates effected by the TieLine. Wallplates on the destination room will be set to mics on,
music off to enable the use of the TieLine.
The example illustrated on the next page shows the FMP connected to 2 ACUs. The object is to define
a group containing ACU#1 Rooms 1 and 2 plus ACU#2 Rooms 1 and 2. The FMP would send a Group
message to both ACUs listing ACU#1 Room 1 first making it the source room, then ACU#1 Room 2,
then ACU#2 Room 1 making it the destination room, and finally ACU#2 Room 2.
The source room is the room that feeds the TieLine. The destination room uses the TieLine for input.
There can be only one source which means that if there was an ACU#3 added to this group ACU#2
would use Room 1 as the source for ACU#3 and so on. The first Room listed on ACU#3 would
become the destination as well as the source if an ACU#4 were added.