Foxconn P35A User Manual
Page 34

► FOX Ratio Select
FOX Ratio is a number representing memory clock divided by CPU Clock. Select a memory
speed, a FOX Ratio number, and try increasing CPU FSB speed, then your PC can be
► CPU FSB Type
This item displays the current CPU Front Side Bus speed.
► Memory Target Frequency
This item displays the target Memory Bus speed which we want to overclock or underclock.
► CPU FSB Over Clock Choice
This item allows you to change the CPU Front Side Bus speed. The maximum value is current
CPU FSB speed plus 2400MHz. You shall be careful not to set too high a value to damage
your CPU.
► PCIE Frequency Over Clock(MHz)
This item is used to adjust the speed of PCI-Express slot. It may enhance the graphics card
► Spread Spectrum
If you enabled this function, it can significantly reduce the EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference)
generated by the system, so to comply with FCC regulation. But if overclocking is activated,
you better disable it.
► Memory Remap Feature
This item is used to set the memory remap feature.
[Enabled] : Allow remapping of overlapped PCI memory to go above the total physical memory.
[Disabled] : Do not allow remapping of memory.
► DRAM Frequency
This item is used to manually select a DRAM speed as a reference for overclocking. Select a
memory speed, a FOX Ratio number, and try increasing CPU FSB speed, then your PC can
be overclocked. [Auto] means the memory speed is decided by the SPD device on DDR2
► Configure DRAM Timing by SPD
This item is used to enable/disable provision of DRAM timing by SPD device. The Serial
Presence Detect (SPD) device is a small EEPROM chip, mounted on a DDR2 memory
module. It contains important information about the module's speed, size, addressing mode
and various other parameters, so that the motherboard memory controller (chipset) can better
access the memory device.
► Memory Hole
This item is used to set the memory hole. The available values are [Disabled] and [15MB-
Some special ISA cards require this area of memory for them to work properly. Enabling this
function reserves the memory area for the card's use. In some cases, it may also prevent the
system from accessing memory above 15MB. If you enable this function, 1MB of RAM (the
15th MB) will be reserved and is therefore not available for the OS' use. Since ISA cards are a
thing of the past, you should always disable this feature.