Oint, Rror, Odes – Fluke Biomedical 945A User Manual
Page 37

Underrange Limit
If the displayed dose rate goes below the underrange limit, an underrange condition is indicated. The
underrange limit must be less than or equal to the HIGH and WARN limits. Note the radiation display will
be 0.00 for dose rates under the underrange limit.
Analog Full Scale
This value is the dose rate at which the analog output is 10 volts or 20 milliampers. This value must be
an even power of 10 that is at least 1 decade higher than the low scale value. An even power of 10 is a
number of the form 1.00EX, where E indicates a positive exponent or “-” for a negative exponent any X is
an integer from -9 to +9.
Calibration Factor
The calibration factor is determined from the calibration data as the ratio of the theoretical to the actual
response of the detector. The permissible values are between 70% (7.00E1) and 129% (1.29E2). A
factor of 100% (1.00E2) gives no correction. The calibration factor is recorded on the calibration data
sheet supplied with the detector.
Analog Low Scale
This value is the dose rate at which the analog output is at 0 volts or 4 milliamperes. This value must be
an even power of 10 that is at least 1 decade less than the high scale analog output.
Set Point Error Codes
If, after entering a setpoint or upon power-up, an error code is displayed, it may be due to incorrect
setpoints. If error code E0002 or E0008 is displayed, all alarms are inhibited.
Code E0001 indicates that the display value is negative. This may indicate a defective EPROM or that
initialization of the unit is required. To initialize the setpoint memory to the default values, power up the
UDR with the ENTER button held down. After power has been applied, release and depress the ENTER
button and release again. If initializing the setpoint memory does not help, then the setpoint PROM is
defective or there is a hardware malfunction.
Code E0002 indicates that the combination of setpoints violates one or more of the rules stated under
setpoint descriptions. All setpoints should be checked for agreement with the setpoint descriptions.
The appearance of either code may indicate that the setpoint memory has not been initialized.
Code E0007 indicates a detector to preamplifier communications loop failure.
Code E0008 indicates that the analog output setpoints are invalid.
Code E0011 indicates a detector a high voltage power supply or cabling failure.
Code E0012 indicates an electrometer auto-zero adjustment is required.
Refer to Table 4-8 for a listing of all error codes.