Fluke Biomedical 35080M User Manual

Page 26

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Cadmium K-edge Mammo Filter Pack Option (37355)

Operating Instructions



Figure 4-5. The Model 35080M kVp Divider Output Waveforms with the Cadmium K-edge Mammo

Filter Pack (37355) (DC mammographic Generator)


2: Single Phase Mammographic Generator

Figures 4-6 and 4-7 show the input and output waveform obtained from exposures taken at 28 kVp.
Since it can be seen from Figure 4-6 that the kVp falls below the zero level of 27 kVp, the need to
make several exposures while varying the kVp as in steps 3 and 4 is negated. The difference
between the baseline and peak levels can be obtained from the single trace in Figure 4-7. This
difference is measured to be 0.100 V, and thus the kVp is calculated as follows:

kVp = 27.0 +[10*0.100)] = 28.0.


Output Volts

Cadmium K-edge Mammo Filter Pack
