6 local control of valve position, 7 factory reset, 8 command reset – Flowserve 3200MD User Manual
Page 17: 9 version number checking
User Instructions - Digital Positioner 3200MD LGENIM0059-09 12/13
7.6 Local Control of Valve Position
Local control of valve position can be done from the user
interface by holding both jog buttons while then simultaneously
pressing the quick cal button for 3 seconds. The and
buttons can then be used to position the valve. While in this
mode the LED‘s will fl ash a YGYY (yellow-green-yellow-yellow)
sequence. To exit the local control mode and return to normal
operation, briefl y press the QUICK-CAL button.
WARNING: When operating using local control of the valve,
the valve will not respond to external commands. Notify
proper personnel that the valve will not respond to remote
command changes, and make sure the valve is properly
7.7 Factory Reset
To perform a factory reset, hold QUICK-CAL button while applying
power and all of the internal variables including calibration will be
reset to factory defaults. The positioner must be re-calibrated after
a factory reset. Tag names and other user confi gured limits, alarm
settings, and valve information will also be lost and need to be
WARNING: Performing a factory reset may result in the
inability to operate the valve until reconfi gured properly.
Notify proper personnel that the valve may stroke, and
make sure the valve is properly isolated.
7.8 Command Reset
Performing a command reset will reset the command source to
analog if it has been inadvertently left in digital mode. This is done
while a QUICK-CAL is in process by holding down both the and
buttons while briefl y pressing the QUICK-CAL button. A new
QUICK-CAL must be done after resetting.
7.9 Version number checking
The version number of the embedded code may be checked at any
time except during a calibration by holding down the button.
This will not alter the operation of the unit other than to change the
blink sequence to 3 blinks indicating the major version number.
Holding the button will give the minor version number without
affecting operation. The version codes are interpreted by adding up
the numbers assigned according to the following table:
Table IX: Version number checking
First Blink
Second Blink
Third Blink
For example if holding the button gave a G-G-R code, and
holding the button gave a Y-Y-G code then the resulting version
number would be (0+0+2).(9+3+0) or version 2.12.
7.10 Logix 3200MD Status Condition
The blink codes used to convey the status of the Logix 3200MD
digital positioner are described in the following table. In general,
any sequence starting with a green light fl ashing fi rst is a normal
operating mode and indicates that there are no internal problems.
Some diagnostic status results are only available with the Advanced
or Pro diagnostics option.
7.11 ValveSight Confi guration and
Diagnostic Software and HART 375
Handheld Communicator
Flowserve Corporation has written custom confi guration and
diagnostic software for the Logix 3200MD digital positioner called
ValveSight. This software is available from a Flowserve representa-
The Logix 3200MD digital positioner supports and is supported by
the HART 375 Handheld Communicator. The Device Description
(DD) fi les and the manual listed below can be obtained from the
HART Communication Foundation or from your Flowserve represen-
tative. For more information please see the following guide:
• Product Manual for the HART Communicator.
Diagnostic features such as the datalog, signature tests, and ramp
tests are performed using the ValveSight software. Certain calibra-
tion features such as loop calibration, analog output calibration, and
actuator pressure sensor calibrations are performed using the HART
375 Handheld Communicator or using diagnostic software such as
NOTE: Warnings and alarms marked by ** have been masked
from the factory. To Initiate diagnostics, perform a stroke,
actuator and friction calibration, set appropriate limits, then
unmask the alarms and warnings using the DTM or DD. Not all
codes are available on all models.