EXCALIBUR E108 Einstein Brain Station User Manual
Page 5
1.3.2 S
Each category has its own sub-menu:
Memory puzzles sub-menu
Word activities a sub-menu
(Word = “Word Squares”
Word X = “Word Cross”)
Number puzzles sub-menu
(Sums = Mental Arithmetic
Number = “Number Squares”)
Logic puzzles sub-menu
(Blocks = “Sliding Blocks”)
Select the desired activity from the sub-
menu, using UP or DOWN and ENTER
1.3.3 S
The display now shows the activity and
the level of diffi culty, e.g.
There are 10 levels – Level 1 is easiest,
10 is hardest.
Press UP or DOWN until the desired level
appears, then press ENTER. You are now
ready to start the puzzle or game.
Each level has a standard solving time,
ranging from 10 minutes on Level 1, to
60 minutes on Level 10. (This applies to
all activities except “Anagram Puzzle”
and “Hangman”, where the allotted time
is shorter.)
1.3.4 P
(general points)
In most activities, one square of the 9x9
grid contains a “blinking” character
called the cursor. You will need to move
the cursor by using the arrow keys. See
the section of this guide dealing with the
activity you have chosen.
When the cursor reaches the end of a row
or column, a further press on the same
arrow key makes it jump to the opposite
end. In a location which is otherwise
vacant, the cursor is represented by a “ ”
or “–” sign.
S i
m o n
P e l
m a n i
s m
S h u f f l
S w i
m m i
n g
H a n g m a n
T a r g e t
A n a g r a m
W o r d
W o r d
C a l
c u l
a t
T o t
a l
S u m s
N u m b e r
S u D o k u
K a k u r o
B l
o c k s
S w i
c h
P e l
m a n i
s m
L e v e l
T i
m e
1 0 m
(Word = “Word Squares”
(Sums = Mental Arithmetic
vacant, the cursor is represented by a “ ”