EXCALIBUR 375-2 LCD Chess & Checkers User Manual
Lcd chess and checkers, Operating manual

LCD Chess
and Checkers
Operating Manual
Model 375-2
Congratulations on your purchase of
Excalibur Electronics’ innovative LCD
Chess & Checkers! You’ve purchased a
partner who’s always ready for a game—
and who can improve as you do!
Install the Batteries
Using a small Phillips screwdriver,
remove the battery-compartment panel
screw on the back of LCD Chess. Then
remove the panel by pulling gently from
the top. Install three fresh, alkaline AAA
batteries, making sure to follow the dia-
gram in each battery slot so that the polar-
ity (+ or -) of the batteries is correct.
Replace the battery compartment panel.
When replacing the screw, secure it gen-
tly. Do not force or over-tighten it.
Play a Chess Game
Right Away
After you have installed the batteries, the
display will show the chess board with all
the pieces on their starting squares. The
LCD will also show
. This indi-
cates you are at the first move of the
game and ready to play chess. If it does
not display
, press RESET
using a thin pointed object.
Unless you instruct it otherwise, LCD
Chess gives you the White pieces—the
ones at the bottom of the board. White
always moves first. A white box on the
display () indicates it’s White’s move.
You’re ready to play!
In making your first move, it’s very
important to understand that a move is
made up of two parts, choosing a from
square and a to square.
The eight-direction rocker button may be
difficult to use at first. It is different from
some video game controllers because it
allows diagonal movement.
For up, down, left and right movements,
it helps if you push the button straight out
away from the center of the rocker. Do
not press in the center of the rocker,
because you may cause a diagonal move-
ment to occur.
1. Push the DIRECTION rocker in any
direction and the White king’s pawn (the
pawn in front of the king) will flash on
and off. The LCD will also show
. Then move the circular rocker
button—to the right, left, or diagonally—
until the piece or pawn you want to move
Excalibur’s LCD
Chess is designed so
that it can be held
comfortably and
used with one
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