ESI NeON User Manual
Page 24

Controller Assign
This function allows the assignment of any controller number 0‐127 to any of the controller knobs, data
entry wheel, or faders. Pitch and Modulation are always fixed functions. To initiate an assignment, do
the following:
1. Press the Ctrl Assign button. The LED will light.
2. Next, move the controller you wish to modify.
The number of that controller will be displayed on the LED display.
3. Type in the MIDI controller number you wish to assign to the controller.
4. Press ENTER to complete the process.
Controller MIDI channel
This function allows the assignment of a MIDI channel to any of the controller knobs, data entry wheel,
or faders. To initiate an assignment, do the following:
1. Press the SHIFT + Ctrl Assign button. The LED will light.
2. Next, move the controller you wish to modify. The number of that controller will be displayed
on the LED display.
3. Type in the MIDI channel number you wish to assign to the controller.
4. Press ENTER to complete the process.
PAD Assignment
Assignment of a PAD is a 2‐step process. This includes assignment of the MIDI note number and also a
MIDI channel if desired. Default is channel 1.
1. Press SHIFT + PAD Assign
2. Type in the MIDI note number 0‐127.
3. Press ENTER.
4. To change the PAD MIDI channel, do the above procedure except press SHIFT + PAD MIDI
CHAN in the first step.