ESI Waveterminal 192M User Manual


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ESI Waveterminal 192M



1. Introduction to Waveterminal 192M _____________________________________ 4

2. Description of Waveterminal 192M _____________________________________ 6

1. Break out box_____________________________________________________ 6

2. PCI card _________________________________________________________ 6

3. Hardware Installation ________________________________________________ 8

1. System Requirement _______________________________________________ 8

2. Preparation for hardware installation ________________________________ 9

3. Installing Waveterminal 192M PCI card _____________________________ 10

4. Waveterminal 192M Software Installation _______________________________ 12

5. MI/ODI/O add-on card (sold separately) ________________________________ 19

6. Waveterminal 192M Console__________________________________________ 22

1. Pull Down Menu _________________________________________________ 22

2. Clock___________________________________________________________ 24

3. Sample Rate _____________________________________________________ 24

4. MIX Circuit _____________________________________________________ 24

5. Input 1,2 ________________________________________________________ 25

6. Input 3,4 ________________________________________________________ 26

7. MIC1 & MIC2 level faders_________________________________________ 27

8. MON –VOL –Monitor Volume faders ________________________________ 27

9. HW VOL –Output Level meters and Adjust faders_____________________ 27

10. MME SW VOL – Additional Level Adjust faders in MME SW __________ 27

9. Setting in Applications_______________________________________________ 28

1. Windows Multimedia setup ________________________________________ 29

2. 5.1 channel for DVD Player application ______________________________ 30

3. ASIO 2.0- Cubase, Logic, Nuendo ___________________________________ 33