9setup and programming – Drake DSE24 HD Video Encoder w/QAM output & CC User Manual

Page 9

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Setup and Programming

Programming and viewing of the various setup and

operating parameters is accomplished using the front

panel back lit, two line, sixteen character wide LCD

along with the two Left and RiGHt ‘SeLeCt’ buttons

and the five Left, RiGHt, uP, DowN and eNteR

buttons. the name of the parameter is on the top line of

the display and the setting value is on the bottom line.

to observe a certain parameter setting without

intending to change its value, just use the Left and

RiGHt arrow buttons to navigate through the menus

shown in the software flow chart on the previous page.

the current setting for each parameter is shown on the

bottom line of the display. Note that depending upon

certain settings, some screens are not needed and will

be skipped.

to make a change in the displayed parameter and its

setting and if this is the initial setup, you will want to

enter the ‘program’ mode. to do this, press the eNteR

button that is located in the center of the four arrow

buttons and hold in for several seconds until the bottom

line of the display begins to flash.

After you are in the program mode (bottom line of screen

flashing) use the Left and RiGHt arrows to navigate

among screens and use the uP and DowN arrows to

change the parameter setting. when eNteR is pressed,

the new settings will be loaded and stored and the

unit will exit the ‘program’ mode. you may wish to not

press eNteR until you have gone through all screens

and settings and then press eNteR to save and load

all changes in one step, oR you can store just one or

several parameters at a time and reenter program mode

to set the next. either method is acceptable.

when programming a menu item that requires an

alphanumeric entry, use the SeLeCt Left and RiGHt

buttons to move the cursor to the desired location and

use the uP and DowN buttons to scroll through the list

of alphanumerics until the desired character appears.

Note that the SeLeCt buttons will have no affect in

normal mode or in program mode if the selected menu

item requires no alphanumeric.

This section provides additional details regarding the selectable items shown in the ‘program’ mode on

the Software Flow Chart on page 8.

VIDEO INPUT: this menu item provides the means to select the format type of video to be encoded. the

choices are HDmi, VGA, Component and Composite. Appropriate input connectors for each of these video

formats are provided on the rear panel. for Composite video input, use the ‘y’ (green) connector.

RESOLUTION: the resolution of the video output may be selected from this menu item. the choices are

SCAN, 720p, 1080i, 480i and 480p as shown on the software flow chart on page 9. The RESOLUTION

screen will not appear if composite video is selected. if SCAN is selected, the unit will scan through the

available resolution choices until it finds the one which matches the video input. Also note that 480i will not be

available if VGA video input is selected.

ENCODE BITRATE: this menu item allows the user to select the encode bitrate. the choices are from 1.0 to

25 mbits per second in .1 mbit/S steps if qAm64b is selected, and 1 - 35 mbits per second in .1 mbit/S steps

if qAm256b is selected.

PROFILE: The user may select the profile to be used to encode the program material. The choices are MP@

HL (Main Profile@ High Level), 422P@ML, MP@H-14L, and MP@ML.

I - P INTERVAL: this menu item allows the user to select the i - P interval. the choices are 1, 2 or 3.

GOP FRAMES: this menu item allows the user to select the number of frames within a GoP (Group of

Pictures). the choices are from 1 to 30 in steps of 1.

CLOSED GOP: this menu item allows the user to select whether or not a Group of Pictures (GoP) will be

closed. the selections are eNAbLeD or DiSAbLeD.