14 additional information – Drake DSE24 HD Video Encoder w/QAM output & CC User Manual

Page 14

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14 Additional Information


Rf output. this can be used when it is desirable to temporarily disable the output without unplugging the external

power supply. Select StANDby in the ‘outPut foRmAt’ menu.


temperature monitoring is built into this product. if inadequate ventilation is provided, overheating may occur.

if this condition is detected, the default LCD message will change to oVeR temP. if this occurs, the problem

should be corrected as soon as possible. the unit will remain operational but the ventilation must be restored to

prevent premature part failures due to overheating.


when the units are not in the program mode, status displays are shown. the default display shows the audio and

video status as well as the video timing accuracy (clock) and closed captioning status (CC). when the display

shows a check mark, the subsystem status is good. if the display shows an X, the subsystem status is out - of -

spec. when the uP button is repeatedly pressed, the display toggles between the video and audio status and the

version number. the DowN button causes the display to show the video and audio status but does not toggle.


when using a PC as your video source, please ensure that the resolution is set to one of the following modes:

(640x480@60Hz, 720x480@60Hz, 1280x720@60Hz, or 1920x1080@30Hz). while PC’s can generate many

other output resolutions, the DSe24 will only operate correctly with these video settings. if the status display

shows an “X” beside the clock system, the video source’s timing is not correct; if the video subsystem status is

still a check mark the encoder is still working, but the output may not be glitch - free at all times.


the DSe24 may be used with a PC to allow remote monitoring or control. Connect the ethernet cable coming

from the PC or router to the ethernet rear panel connector. Assign a uSeR NAme, and PASSwoRD to the

DSe24 using the front panel controls as described previously. the PC must be running a web browser. firefox

is recommended. type either the uSeR NAme or iP ADDReSS in the browser’s uRL line and press the PC’s

eNteR button. the authentication window should appear. type in the user name or iP address, enter the

password you chose and click on oK. this should produce the parameters window. then program the unit as

described previously.