6 installation and mounting / front panel controls – Drake DSE24 HD Video Encoder w/QAM output & CC User Manual
Page 6

6 Installation and Mounting / Front Panel Controls
this equipment is designed to be installed either as a table top unit or with an optional standard 1Ru 19” rack
panel. when the unit is mounted above or below other rack mounted equipment, a 1u space (1.75”) should be
left between the unit and the other equipment to allow ambient air flow between the units. No space is needed
between DSe24 units themselves.
Connect the external power supply to an appropriate source of 120 volt, 50/60 Hz AC power, and connect the
power supply output to the rear panel DC power jack. the DSe24 is always on once the AC power cord is
connected to its power source.
F1, LCD Display - this display presents the selected menu screen and the parameter settings as well as various
status and error messages. the backlight in the display is on when power is applied.
F2, Left and Right Buttons – use the left and right arrow buttons to navigate from screen to screen to view the
various parameter settings.. these buttons are operational in either the view mode or the program mode. using
only these buttons will not change any parameter setting.
F3, Up and Down Buttons – use the up and down arrow buttons to change the value of a viewed parameter
setting. the unit must be in the program mode in order for these buttons to become active for changing a
parameter setting. if the unit is not in the program mode, repeatedly pressing the up button will toggle between
the version number of the DSe24 firmware and the video and audio status. Pressing the Down button will show
the video and audio status. if the video and audio status are already displayed, pressing the Down button will
have no effect.
F4, ENTER Button - use the eNteR button to enter the program mode or to save and load a new setting or
settings after adjustment. Hold for approximately 2 seconds until the bottom line of the display starts to flash to enter
the program mode. After entering the program mode, momentarily pressing the eNteR button again will load and
save any settings that may have been changed using the up and Down buttons.
F5, Left and Right SELECT Buttons - use the Left and Right SeLeCt buttons to move the flashing cursor
left or right when entering information in the CHANNeL NAme, uSeR NAme, PASSwoRD, HoSt NAme,
mAC ADDReSS, iP ADDReSS, SubNet mASK and GAtewAy ADDReSS menu items. the selection of the
alphanumeric character for each cursor position can then be made using the uP and DowN (f3) buttons. ReAR