11 setup and programming (continued) – Drake DSE24 HD Video Encoder w/QAM output & CC User Manual
Page 11

Setup and Programming (continued)
MINOR CHANNEL: this menu allows the user to determine the minor channel number on which the encoded
audio and video information will appear. the choices are 1 through 999. if the mGt - VCt menu is set to
DiSAbLe, this screen will not appear. if the ‘mGt-VCt eNAbLe’ menu is set to ‘CVCt 1-PARt VCN’ a single
‘CHANNeL NumbeR’ window will appear.
USER NAME: this menu entry allows the operator to enter a user name. As with CHANNeL NAme described
previously, the LEFT and RIGHT SELECT buttons move the flashing cursor to any one of the 6 available
positions. then use the uP and DowN buttons to scroll through the alphanumeric characters list until the
desired character is displayed. use one of the SeLeCt buttons to move to the next position. Repeat this
procedure for each letter of the desired user name.
PASSWORD: Program in a password in this window. using the same technique described above for
CHANNeL NAme and uSeR NAme. there are 8 cursor positions available.
HOST NAME: A host name may be entered in this window using the same technique described previously.
there are 15 cursor positions available.
MAC ADDRESS: this menu item allows the user to view the mAC ADDReSS of the DSe24. this may be
useful when debugging network connectivity issues. wARNiNG: Do not change. if necessary to reenter, see
the label on the unit for proper mAC address.
DHCP: This window allows the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to be ENABLED or DISABLED.
If DHCP is ENABLED, the DSE24 will automatically configure the IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, and
GAtewAy ADDReSS, and these items will not be displayed in program mode. if it is DiSAbLeD, these
parameters will need to be configured manually and their menu pages will be displayed in program mode as
well as in normal mode.
IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, & GATEWAY ADDRESS: if DHCP is disabled, these three menu items
will need to be programmed manually if the user intends to control the unit remotely with a PC. there are 4
cursor positions in each of these windows, and each position has a range of 000 to