Operating instructions (from a pc) – Drake DSE24 HD Video Encoder w/QAM output & CC User Manual

Page 13

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Click on the desired value for

that parameter. the value list

will then disappear and the

new value will appear in the

window for that parameter.
8) Repeat this procedure for

each parameter you wish

to change. you will notice

that some of the parameter

windows may be grayed out.

this is because that parameter

cannot be selected due to the

value setting on some other

parameter. for example,

Horizontal Shift and Horizontal

width cannot be selected if Composite or Component

video has been chosen.
9) when you have finished changing the parameter

values to suit your situation, click on the SAVe button

at the bottom of the parameters list. this will cause the

changes to be transmitted to the DSe24 and stored in its

10) Clicking the ‘Set Defaults’ button at the bottom of

the window will cause all values in the parameter list to

change to the factory defaults. you will need to click on

the SAVe button to transfer these values to the DSe24.

13) once you have set all network parameters as

required for your system, press the ‘Save Config’ button.

this will transfer all network settings to the DSe24 and

will cause it to reboot using the new settings. you will also

be presented with a screen confirming that the settings

have been successfully saved. this screen also contains

instructions for reconnecting to the DSe24 in the event

that connection problems are encountered.

Operating Instructions (From a PC)

Operating Instructions - From a PC
1) Confirm that all connections to the DSe24 have

been made as described previously. with power to

the DSe24disconnected, connect an ethernet cable

from the ethernet jack on the back of the DSe24 to

the ethernet connector on your PC or to your network

router. then apply power to the DSe24.
2). After the DSe24 has booted up, scroll to the uSeR

NAme screen using the Left or RiGHt arrow buttons

and enter program mode by pressing and holding the

eNteR button.
3) Program the desired uSeR NAme, PASSwoRD

and HoSt NAme using the alphanumeric techniques

described in the previous section.
4) while still in program mode, scroll to the DHCP

screen, and select either eNAbLeD or DiSAbLeD.

if eNAbLeD is selected, iP ADDReSS, SubNet

mASK, and GAtewAy ADDReSS will be selected

automatically. if DiSAbLeD is selected, enter these

three menu items manually. Press eNteR to save

these settings.
5) the following discussion assumes that the PC you

plan to use to control the DSe24 is up and running

and your web browser of choice has been activated.

in the browser’s web address window, type in the iP

ADDReSS or HoSt NAme that you programmed into

the DSe24. you will be presented with the dialogue

box shown in figure 1 below.

type in the user Name and Password that you

programmed into the DSe24 previously and click on

6) you will then be presented with the main control

screen similar to the one in figure 2. you will notice that

all DSe24 parameters are listed along with the values

that were previously selected for each parameter from

the DSe24 front panel. At the top of the display you will

note that the status of the audio and video along with

the currently selected resolution are shown.