DR Power TreeChopper User Manual
Page 17

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would impede the cut. If there are no hidden obstacles impeding the cut, you may be able to approach the tree from a different
angle to "bump" it and find that the trunk in that area is less than 4" in diameter.
Back your ATV away from the tree to approximately 8 to 10 feet. Accelerate the ATV in a forward motion through the tree.
Impact should be minimal. Once you have gained confidence and experience with tree trunks 2 inches in diameter and less
you should be ready to cut bigger trees with trunks of up to 4 inches. You will also find that you are able to cut trees at a
steady pace as you become comfortable identifying chop-able trees while in motion.
Note: After cutting, wash the TreeChopper with low pressure water spray. After washing, spray lubricating oil or silicone on the blades to
prevent rusting.
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