DNF Controls ST400-CP User Manual
Page 12

ST400-CP User Manual
Page 12 of 19
LCD Display Text:
Å Å STX + BC + “D” + Row + Column + Size + Highlight Byte + Text (null-
terminated) + Checksum
BC – Byte count of all bytes of the command excluding STX and Checksum
Row – Starting row of the display from 0 to 29
Column – Starting column of text – from 0 to 39
Size -
00 – Normal
03 – Double Wide, Double High
Highlight Byte – 00 – Highlight off (black characters on the white background)
01 – Highlight on (white characters on the black background)
Text – Up to 248 bytes of data, null terminated.
STX + 01 + ACK + ChecksumÆ Æ
The row and column are always set based on normal (the smallest) character size.
You should double the row number if you’re using Double High characters (size = 2 or 3) and you
should double the column number anytime you’re using Double Wide Characters (size = 1 or 3).
When the text reaches the end of line, it wraps around to the next line, starting with Column 0.
When the text reaches the bottom of the screen, it does not wrap around to the top of the display.
The text is truncated.
If there is no text added to the command (NULL-termination immediately follows the SIZE byte),
the specified row gets cleared (column byte is disregarded).
LCD Insert Table:
Å Å STX + BC + “I” + Border style (single-line or double-line)
+ Intersections style (single-line or double-line)
+ Number of Rows
+ Number of Columns
+ X coordinate of the Upper Left-hand Corner
+ Y coordinate of the Upper Left-hand Corner
+ Width of Column 1 (in characters)
+ ...
+ Width of Column n (in characters)
+ Height of Row 1 (in characters)
+ ...
+ Height of Row n (in characters)
+ Checksum
BC – Byte count of all bytes of the command excluding STX and Checksum
Single Line = 0
Double Line = 1
Number of Rows = 1 – 29
Number of Columns = 1 – 39
X coordinate of the Upper Left-hand Corner = 0 – 39
Y coordinate of the Upper Left-hand Corner = 0 – 29
The Width of an individual column may vary between 0 and 39 depending on the number of
columns defined (see Note 1 below)
The Height of an individual row may vary between 0 and 29 depending on the number of rows
defined (see Note 2 below)
STX + 01 + ACK + ChecksumÆ Æ