Daktronics Scorebook User Manual

Page 15

background image




Out Hit To Location: Enable this option to show an arc where a ball was hit that
resulted in an out. Select a Thickness of the arc, and click the colored box to select the
font Color.

Out Elements: Enable this option to display text stating the type and sequence of an
out. Click the

button to format the Font, and click the colored box to select the

element Color. Enable Drop Shadow to put a shadow on the element text, and click the
colored box to select the Color (enter a Drop Shadow Distance from “1”-“10” if desired).

Size of Each At Bat: Enter in the Width or the Height in pixels for each at bat image.

Note: Be sure to multiply the Width value to find the total length of a series of at bat
images when setting up display sequences.

Non-Batted Innings: Enable this option to display an image even if the batter did not
bat that inning. Choose Normal to show an empty ballpark image, or choose Darken
to grey out the image.

Note: This option will always be unavailable on the Previous At Bat tab.

Out Sequence: Enable to show the sequence of throws leading to an out. Enable
Display Dash to place a dash between players in the sequence of outs. Enable Full
to avoid automatically shortening long out sequences.

Note: If Full Sequence is disabled, only the first, second, and last throws of the out
sequence will be displayed.

RBI Dots: Enable this option to display a small dot to indicate that the batter was
eventually batted in. Click the colored box to select the dot Color.

Baserunning Path: Enable this option to put a thick line indicating what base the batter
made it to. Click the colored box to select the path Color. Enable Fill in on Run to
darken the infield when a batter makes it back to home plate. Click the colored box to
select the Fill Color. Enable Show out dash to place a slash across the path where the
runner was tagged out.

Inning Text: Enable this option to show the inning number with each image. Click the

button to format the Font, and click the colored box to select the font Color. Enable

Drop Shadow to put a shadow on the element text, and click the colored box to select
the Color (enter a Drop Shadow Distance from “1”-“10” if desired). Enable Append
to display innings as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., instead of 1, 2, 3, etc.

# of Shown At Bats: Select or type in the number of total at bats to display at once.
As this number decreases, the most recent at bats are displayed. Enable Draw Current
Inning Only
to show a single at bat for both the current and previous half inning. For
example, at the top of the 5


, the last at bat for the Visitor will be displayed along

with the last at bat for the Home team in the bottom of the 4


; at the bottom of the 5



the last at bat for the Home team will be displayed along with the last at bat for the
Visitor in the top of the 5



Note: This option will always be unavailable on the Previous At Bat tab.
Draw Current Inning Only is available on Current Batter tab only.