Ready Remote 24927 User Manual

Page 47

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© 2 0 0 6 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s

2. Passive: The doors will lock when armed via transmitter,

Passive Arming and Auto Re-arming.

3. Ignition Locking: Selects if the door locks will activate after an
ignition input is sensed.

1. Off: The Door Lock output will not activate due to an

ignition input sense.

2. On: The Door Lock output will activate when the brake

input and an ignition input is sensed.

4. Ignition Unlocking: Selects if the door locks will activate after
the ignition input ceases.

1. Off: The Door Unlock output will not activate when the

ignition input ceases.

2. On: The Door Unlock output will activate 100mS after

the ignition is turned off.

5. Lock Pulses: Selects the number of pulses when locking the

1. 1 pulse: The Door Lock output will be one pulse for the

programmed duration.

2. 2 pulses: The Door Lock output will be 2 pulses for the

programmed duration.

6. Unlock Pulses: Selects the number of pulses when Unlocking the

1. 1 pulse: The Door Unlock output will be a single pulse

for the programmed duration.

2. 2 pulses: The Door Unlock output will be a double pulse

for the programmed duration.