Ready Remote 24927 User Manual
Page 38

© 2 0 0 6 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s
You can learn more than one transmitter function at a time by
advancing to another transmitter learn Step.
To do this, first release the momentary SW and then press/release
it the same number of times as the difference between the current
transmitter learn Step and the desired transmitter learn Step, and
then press/HOLD it.
After Holding the Valet Sw for 2 seconds the LED will flash 8 times
and repeat. You can now learn a transmitter button to step 8.
There are several ways to exit transmitter Learning, by TimeOut,
Ignition or momentary SW Presses.
1. TimeOut: If more than 15 seconds elapse between
momentary SW presses or transmitter signals.
2. Ignition: If the Ignition is turned off at any time during
transmitter Learning.
3. Momentary SW presses: if you press/release the momen-
tary SW more times than transmitter Learning steps in
the menu.
The Horn output will pulse 5 times rapidly and the Led will turn
off to indicate exiting feature programming.
example! To advance from transmitter learn Step 2
to transmitter learn Step 8, release the momentary
SW and then press/release it 6 times and HOLD it
on the 7th press.