Step 3, h3 – Ready Remote 24927 User Manual
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Step 3, H3
Door Lock Connections
There are 8 different types of door lock systems (Type A - H).
Refer to the vehicle-specific wiring instructions on the web and
the chart below to help determine which door lock system your
vehicle uses. On some late model GM vehicles a door lock data
interface module may be required.
Type A: Three-wire (+) pulse controlling factory lock relays.
Type B: Three-wire (-) pulse controlling factory lock relays.
Type C: Direct-wired reversing-polarity switches. The switches are
wired directly to the motors. This type of system has no factory
relays. Relays (not included) will be required for this type of door
lock system.
Type D: Adding one or more aftermarket actuators. These include
slave systems without an actuator in the driver's door, but with
factory actuators in all the other doors.
Type E: Electrically-activated vacuum systems.
Type F: One-wire system - cut to lock, ground to unlock.
This is a vary rare system found only mainly in early 90's imports
Type G: Positive (+) multiplex. One wire controls lock and unlock
using resistor(s).
Type H: Negative (-) multiplex. Same as type G system, but uses
(-) pulse instead.
note! From the factory, your system is set up for Type
B (-) door locks. To change your door lock outputs to
Type A (+), simply use the wires in the oposite con-
figuration. You will now have (+) door locks.