Ready Remote 24927 User Manual
Page 30

© 2 0 0 6 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s
of insulation off the tachometer wire in the vehicle and solder the
green tachometer input wire to it. Then wrap the connection with
electrical tape.
If using a tach wire, you must learn the tach signal after
completing the installation.
To learn tach signal:
1. Start car with key
2. Wait about 5 seconds for the engine to idle down
3. Press and hold the Momentary switch (about 10
4. Tach learned: After a few seconds the LED will flash 2
times and turn on. Continue to hold the switch for 2 - 3
seconds and release.
5. Tach not learned: The LED will not turn on and will flash
3 times when the momentary switch is released. Check
the connections and try again.
note! If using a tach signal, the tach signal MUST
be learned before using the remote starter.