3 changing parameters via flow-bus, Changing parameters via flow‐bus, 3 changing parameters via flow‐bus – Bronkhorst FLOW-BUS interface User Manual
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FLOW‐BUS interface
For security reasons all important instrument settings can only be changed after entering a password (using E‐7000
readout/control modules) or after sending a security‐parameter (using PC‐software programs). For operation of
instruments there is always free access to the parameters (e.g. setpoint, control mode, setpoint slope, changing fluid).
Changing of settings however, is secured (e.g. calibration parameters, input + output adjustments, identification,
FLOW‐BUS network settings). When using Bronkhorst Electronics, like E‐7000 systems, changing of parameter settings
at digital instruments is possible via the menu. However, when changing of parameter settings via other (self‐made)
software running on computers using RS232 and/or FLOW‐BUS DLL and/or FLOWDDE is wanted, for safety reasons
setting of special initialisation parameters is needed first.