Advantages – Basler Electric BE1-50/51B-219 User Manual
Page 8

9252000981 Rev J
Internal switches provide for selecting system operating frequencies of 50- or 60-hertz, instantaneous
element delays of 0.0 or 0.1 second, characteristic curve group selection for either ABB CO or GE IAC
type curves, and instantaneous or integrating reset characteristics. Switch location and description is
provided in the
BE1-50/51B-219 and BE1-50/51B-226 overcurrent relays have many advantages over other overcurrent
relays. The primary advantages are:
Time characteristics are defined by equations and graphs
Field-selectable time characteristics
Very low burden extends the linear range of the CTs
Self powered from the sensed current
Continuous automatic calibration
BE1-50/51B-219 and BE1-50/51B-226 overcurrent relays may be tested without removing the relay from
the case. Shorting contacts are provided for all current inputs when the connection plugs or relay chassis
is removed from the relay case.