Dnp configuration through bestcomsplus® only, Mapping of binary and analog input points, Scaling of (default) analog input points – Basler Electric BE1-11 DNP3 Protocol User Manual
Page 19: Be1-11 dnp over serial line, Be1-11 dnp via ethernet, Dnp configuration through bestcomsplus ® only

9424200773 Rev A
Analog Output Status (Object 40)
Range: 1, 2, or 3 (default = 2 (16-bit))
DNP Configuration through BESTCOMSPlus
® Only
Mapping of Binary and Analog Input Points
BESTCOMSPlus supports mapping of selected analog input points and binary input points to user map
lists. Only points from user map lists are included in Class 0, and generate events. User mapped listed
are saved in non-volatile memory. By default, all points from binary input points, as listed in the Point List
chapter are mapped to the binary point user map list. In addition, all points from analog input points, as
listed in the Point List chapter are mapped to the analog user map.
In BESTCOMSPlus, navigate to the following:
Settings Explorer
BE1-11 Communications DNP DNP Analog Points Mapping and
Settings Explorer
BE1-11 Communications DNP DNP Binary Points Mapping
Scaling of (Default) Analog Input Points
When an analog point value exceeds the range of the currently active object variation, the reported value
is a maximum amount for that variation and object variation that includes status has Over Range flag set.
The Over Range status can be avoided if the value is scaled with the appropriate scaling factor. Default
value for any point is 1.000. Range is from 1.000 to maximum 1000000000.000.
BE1-11 Protection Systems have a scaling factor per each analog input point and analog output status
point listed in the default tables in the Point List chapter for analog inputs and analog outputs.
In BESTCOMSPlus, navigate to the following:
Settings Explorer
BE1-11 Communications DNP DNP Analog Input Scaling and
Settings Explorer
BE1-11 Communications DNP DNP Analog Output Scaling
BE1-11 DNP over Serial Line
The settings for RS-485 can be set using BESTCOMSPlus or the front panel interface. The RS-485 port
supports baud rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 (default = 19200). Other
RS-485 configurable settings are Stop Bits, Parity, and Data Size.
BE1-11 DNP via Ethernet
DNP can communicate through Ethernet if the IP address of the BE1-11 is configured as described in the
Communications chapter of the BE1-11 instruction manuals.
DNP Settings