Avery Dennison Rewinder 2000 User Manual

Page 4

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01/09 Rev. 5.02-01


Using the Documentation




Subject section

Thematically-related subject contents are described in each topic section. A
topic section is the smallest unit of information with its own

– page numbering,

– header bar,

– list of contents,


– device classification and

– its own revision status.

Subject sections form the basis of the manual. A topic section can be
simultaneously assigned to several manuals. Subject sections are in one, in
some cases two, languages.

Fig. 1 Example: First page of topic section "Specifications"


A manual is composed of different topic sections. The following features
characterize a manual:

– Title page with a list of contents, device classification and revision status

(see Fig. 2).

– The list of contents contains the designations of the topic sections and

also serves as a link distributor to these topic sections.

– The contents of a manual refer to a certain device, a device family or an

option (documentation object).

– A manual is assigned to a certain language and only contains topic

sections in this language.