Basic operation, User interface controls, Led meters and mute switches – ART Pro Audio SMS226 - Speaker Management System User Manual

Page 7: Graphics lcd

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User interface controls

The SMS226 is controlled from the front panel by a rotary encoder and a number of switches. The switches

allow quick access to various functions. Pushing (also referred to as "clicking") the encoder knob will generally
switch between a value or a parameter adjustment. Rotating the encoder knob will adjust the value or

When you are in the default screen mode, the encoder can act as a master volume control. Refer to the

UTILITY button

to see how to set this up.

Note that when editing text, pushing the encoder moves the cursor to the character to the right until all of the

available characters have been addressed. Since you cannot go backwards, simply repeat the process to
modify characters you missed the first time.

In case you get in trouble or lost, hitting any of the front panel menu keys TWICE will return you to the

starting screen (also referred to as the "default" screen).

LED meters and mute switches

The meters can display either Level or Attenuation. Level is measured at either the input jacks (for the first

two meters) or the output jacks (the last six meters).

When set to Atten mode, the Input A/ Input B meters switch to displaying the attenuation of the Compressor.

The Output 1- Output 6 meters display the Limiter attenuation in Atten mode.

The switches located below the meters mute the inputs or outputs when pushed. The adjacent red LED

indicates a muted channel when lit.

Graphics LCD

The LCD shows the SMS226's current state and relevant data. The default screen displays the unit's

configuration graphically. Parameters that relate to frequency response changes will display parameter settings
in both text and graphical form.