Recall button, Utility button, Input menu – ART Pro Audio SMS226 - Speaker Management System User Manual
Page 11: Utility button input menu
Clicking on the Save parameter will perform the actual storage process in non-volatile memory. Since this
takes some time to complete, a "Please Wait" message appears in the LCD display while the unit works to
store the info.
RECALL button
The Recall function consists of setting the type of data to be recalled and the destination. You can recall up to
20 System presets (numbered 11 to 30) or 20 User Speaker or Power Amp presets (numbered 201 to 220).
Note that the lower numbered presets are Factory presets and cannot be overridden.
Clicking on the Exit parameter will return the unit to the main Recall screen. If you want to return to the
default screen simply hit the Recall button again.
This parameter sets the data type to recall. The choices are System (default), Speaker or Power Amp.
System is an entire unit snapshot. Speaker or Power Amp applies to an individual output channel.
After setting Type, clicking the Confirm parameter reveals another menu to select the preset to be recalled. If
the Type parameter is set to either Speaker or Power Amp, an additional parameter (DeSTination) is available
to select the output channel to store the preset data to.
Clicking on the Load parameter will perform the actual retrieval process from non-volatile memory. Since this
takes some time to complete, a "Please Wait" message appears in the LCD display while the unit works to
retrieve the info.
UTILITY button
Input menu
This parameter allows you to invert the phase of the indicated channel to fix input wiring or other phase
issues without re-patching.
This parameter allows you to invert the phase of the indicated channel to fix input wiring or other phase
issues without re-patching.
This parameter allows you to invert the phase of the indicated channel to fix input wiring or other phase
issues without re-patching.
The delay is used for cluster delay. Delay is adjustable in 0.208mSec (or 0.278 in.) steps up to 600mSec (or
~559 ft). You can use this to align clusters when using the unit in a 2 x 2 or 2 x 3 configuration. You can also
align clusters with multiple SMS226's through this delay adjustment. When the display reads "Delay A>" you