Adobe InDesign Filters Readme User Manual

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Last updated 4/8/2010


© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved.





CS5 Filters Readme for Windows


and Mac


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based marks and logos are trademarks of Symbian Limited. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Updated Information/Additional Third Party Code Information available at

Certain Spelling portions of this product are based on Proximity Linguistic Technology. ©Copyright 1990 Merriam-Webster Inc. ©Copyright 1990 All rights
reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 2003 Franklin Electronic Publishers
Inc.©Copyright 2003 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. Legal
Supplement ©Copyright 1990/1994 Merriam-Webster Inc./Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc. ©Copyright 1994 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A
Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990/1994 Merriam-Webster Inc./Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc.
©Copyright 1997All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA ©Copyright 1990
Merriam-Webster Inc. ©Copyright 1993 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey
USA. ©Copyright 2004 Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc. ©Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic
Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1991 Dr. Lluis de Yzaguirre I Maura ©Copyright 1991 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A
Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990 Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd. ©Copyright 1990 All
rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990 Van Dale Lexicografie
bv ©Copyright 1990 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1995
Van Dale Lexicografie bv ©Copyright 1996 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey
USA. ©Copyright 1990 IDE a.s. ©Copyright 1990 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New
Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1992 Hachette/Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc. ©Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin
Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1991 Text & Satz Datentechnik ©Copyright 1991 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology
A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 2004 Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag ©Copyright 2004 All rights
reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 2004 MorphoLogic Inc.
©Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990
William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. ©Copyright 1990 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New
Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1993-95 Russicon Company Ltd. ©Copyright 1995 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic
Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 2004 IDE a.s. ©Copyright 2004 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin
Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. The Hyphenation portion of this product is based on Proximity Linguistic Technology. ©Copyright
2003 Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc.©Copyright 2003 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc.
Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1984 William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. ©Copyright 1988 All rights reserved.Proximity Technology A Division of
Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990 Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd. ©Copyright 1990 All rights
reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1997 Van Dale Lexicografie bv
©Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1984
Editions Fernand Nathan ©Copyright 1989 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey
USA. ©Copyright 1983 S Fischer Verlag ©Copyright 1997 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc.
Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1989 Zanichelli ©Copyright 1989 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic
Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1989 IDE a.s. ©Copyright 1989 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division of Franklin
Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1990 Espasa-Calpe ©Copyright 1990 All rights reserved. Proximity Technology A Division
of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA. ©Copyright 1989 C.A. Stromberg AB. ©Copyright 1989 All rights reserved. Proximity
Technology A Division of Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc. Burlington, New Jersey USA.

The Spelling portion of this product is based on Proximity Linguistic Technology.

Color-database derived from Sample Books © Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc., licensed to Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Portions © The Focoltone Colour Systems, and used under license.

This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (



Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current

PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. PANTONE


and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. © Pantone, Inc., 2006

This product contains either BSAFE and/or TIPEM software by RSA Data Security, Inc. Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company. Permission to use, copy,
modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear
in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided “as is” without express or implied warranty.

Copyright© 1996, 1997 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for
any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
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is” without express or implied warranty.